About Kahli
Thanks for stopping by! I’m Kahli from Wheelbarrow Road Art! I am an Artist, wrangler of two small children and a handsome bearded man. I’m most at home in rural Australia and often described as that "crazy dog lady". If there is a spare moment in the day, in between looking after the boys, you’ll find me in the studio working on my next artwork. I have two beautiful sunshiney studio dogs Penny the shetland sheepdog and Mavis the spicy Chihuahua.
I grew up in Milton, on the beautiful South Coast of NSW, Australia. My parents gave my brother, sister and I a fantastic country life; surrounded by cattle dogs, poddy calves, horses, motorbikes, camping trips, fishing, time in nature exploring.. you name it - we were outside doing it.
My art journey started when I was on maternity leave in 2017. I did a painting for my son’s room and posted it to my social media from there came requests for paintings and prints. My favourite medium is watercolour followed closely by acrylic. My inspiration comes mostly from nature. I love painting Australian birds, rural Australia and my kids also influence me too. The name of my studio was inspired by a little dirt road not far from where I grew up and fit perfectly for my shop.
I’m continually surprised and humbled by the fact that people spend their hard-earned dollars on my art, and take time out of their days to leave lovely comments on my various pages. It means to world to me when my art sparks joy and you want to display it in your home. All of my work is currently created in my home studio in Braidwood NSW. It’s a really personal process and a lot of love goes into it.
Thanks and biggest love, Kahli x